디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Can you recommand some online-communities for writing exercies?

unknown 2006.10.06 10:34:28
조회 143 추천 0 댓글 3

Hi~ how's it going~? I've been studying English just like you guys. I'm looking for an online-community to practise writing in English. Is there any community like that for Korean? I mean.. the gethering of Korean for writing exercises in the web. It sounds silly though. I've alrady lost my interst in writing a diary or a learning journal. I want to do some interational exercises. I know I have to find some communities not for Korean. Problem is I want to do it with Koreans because I feel a huge distance from foreign people, and I'm not good at English so it's really hard to understand high quality of English. (At the addition, I don't want to lose my confidence. I guess if so, I'll lose my enthusiasm. Just in my opinion an interest is the most important thing while I'm studying something.) I guess it's better to find some communities which consist of people who have similar ability with me. (Because of this, I'm writing this in English. I think if you know the degree of my ability, you can recommand easily. As you see, my English is so so. not good. not that bad.) Thanks for reading my private favor. Have a nice day~ p.s. If you have another opinons, I'll be glad to hear them for sure. p.s.2 You don't have to write comments in English. (It's possible that I can't understand it. Howerver, if you want it, I don't mind. I'll try to understand it with more than my best effort.)

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