디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영미시에 대한 설명인데 영어로 된거예요 ㅠ 좀 도와주세요

희야희야~ 2006.10.10 09:26:33
조회 135 추천 0 댓글 2

급한데도 짜르방은 태희언니~ 지식인에 내공100으로 올렸던 질문인데 너무 급해서 여기 또 올려요 ㅠ ㅠ 진짜 급한데 제가 이거 번역할 영어실력은 아닌지라.... ㅠ 불쌍한사람 좀 도와주세욤 ㅠ ㅠ ㅠㅠ 셰익스피어 소네트 146 이 제일유명면서도 어려운가요? Summary The speaker addresses this poem to his soul, asking it in the first stanza why it, the center of his "sinful earth" (that is, his body), endures misery within his body while he is so concerned with maintaining its "paint[ed]" outward appearance--that is, why his soul allows his exterior vanity to wound its interior life. He asks his soul why, since it will not spend long in the body ("having so short a lease" in the "fading mansion"), it spends "so large cost" to decorate it, and he asks whether worms shall be allowed to eat the soul's "charge" after the body is dead. In the third quatrain, the speaker exhorts his soul to concentrate on its own inward well-being at the expense of the body's outward walls ("Let that [i.e., the body] pine to aggravate [i.e., increase] thy store"). He says that the body's hours of "dross" will buy the soul "terms divine"; and admonishes the soul to be fed within, and not to be rich without. In the couplet, the speaker tells the soul that by following his advice, it will feed on death, which feeds on men and their bodies; and once it has fed on death, it will enjoy eternal life: "And death once dead, there's no more dying then." Commentary Sonnet 146, an austerely moralizing self-exhortation to privilege the inner enrichment of the soul over the outer decoration of the body, is also the site of the most virulent textual controversy of any of Shakespeare's poem in the sequence. The way the poem is printed in its first edition, its first two lines read: Poor soule, the center of my sinfull earth, My sinfull earth these rebbel poweres that thee array.... The repetition of the phrase "my sinful earth" at the start of the second line has long been chalked up to a printer's mistake; it almost certainly could not have been Shakespeare's intention to break his meter so egregiously for the sake of such a heavy-handed repetition. (In the 1590s, any text that was to be printed had to be set into the printing press letter by letter, a painstaking and often mind-numbing process that resulted in many mistakes of this nature.) As a result, critics have debated for what seems the better part of four centuries over what the "missing" text might have been. "Trapp'd by these rebel powers"? "Ring'd" by them? "Fenced"? "Foil'd"? "Pressed with"? Possible alternatives are literally endless; most recent editors of the sonnets have avoided conjecture for that very reason. Apart from the textual controversy, Sonnet 146 presents the relatively simple idea that the body exists at the expense of the soul, so that decorating or adorning the body, or even worrying about its beauty, can only be accomplished at the soul's expense. The speaker of this sonnet feels trapped by his preoccupation with his outward appearance, and urges himself--by addressing his neglected soul, which he concedes has the decision-making power over the body--to neglect the body as a way to enrich the soul and help it toward heaven ("Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross"). In this sense, Sonnet 146 is one of comparatively few sonnets to strike a piously religious tone: in its overt concern with heaven, asceticism, and the progress of the soul, it is quite at odds with many of the other sonnets, which yearn for and celebrate sensory beauty and aesthetic pleasure.

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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10079 ▶◀ Dear Kim Bon Jwa, I'm so sorry that I couldn't keep you safely to the end...... [1] kimppa 06.10.18 104 0
10078 아 진짜 쪽팔림을 무릎쓰고 질문 좀 할께 [2] 33 06.10.18 124 0
10077 토익 5% 쯤 부족해. [4] 잠실의시대 06.10.18 176 0
10076 인제대 면접 때문인데;; 이거 쫌 영작 해줄수 잇어? Humor 06.10.18 189 0
10075 이찬승 보카 말인데요~~~~~~ ㅇㅇ 06.10.18 167 0
10074 영어공부하는 캐초보인데요 when, while 차이점좀.. [2] asda 06.10.18 205 0
10073 갑자기 궁금해 졌어요 토플에서 [2] 동통현 06.10.18 131 0
10072 영작(일기) 입니다. 문법 틀렸나 봐주세요 ㅠㅠ;; [8] fakeman 06.10.18 181 0
10071 고수 형들 질문이얌~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [1] 명동콜링 06.10.18 62 0
10069 영어 조낸 잘하는 방법 좀.......... [2] alex 06.10.18 195 0
10067 손쉽다가 handy맞죠? [1] s 06.10.18 79 0
10066 문장 해석좀 해주세요~~ [2] asdf 06.10.18 88 0
10065 이게 맞는 문장인가요??? [4] giwtncb 06.10.18 142 0
10064 요즘 영어로된 수학문제집 팔어?? [2] ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ 06.10.18 368 0
10063 게임하다가 영어단어땜에 막히는군요 [1] ㅁㅇㅂ 06.10.18 118 0
10061 이게 맞긴 맞는데, 왜 1번인지 좀 정확히 설명해줄수 있어? [1] unvarnishd 06.10.18 86 0
10060 형들 영작좀... [2] ... 06.10.17 90 0
10059 영작 하나 질문 좀 해봅니다. [2] 고수님들... 06.10.17 99 0
10058 고수횽들 해석 도와주세요 [4] 야옹 06.10.17 119 0
10057 영어 공부하면서 비애.. [6] ㅅㅅ 06.10.17 242 0
10056 영어 속담들 인데 이것좀 알려주라 [3] ㅈㅇㅌ 06.10.17 82 0
10055 올만에 왔음 해석 고쳐주세여! [8] 롱맨이 06.10.17 134 0
10054 영작인데 이 이후에 들어갈 적당한 말이 뭐가 있을까? [2] 위치로우 06.10.17 117 0
10053 영어 질문좀 합니다. [9] dfdfdf 06.10.17 151 0
10052 나 오늘 영어학개론 시험보고왔는데..... [4] ㅆㅍㅅ 06.10.17 336 0
10051 문법 질문이에요. 제가 작문한게 맞나요? [1] .. 06.10.17 86 0
10050 문법 질문입니다. [4] 자두맛환타 06.10.17 124 0
10049 어학연수 안가고 영어잘하시는 분들은 어떻게 공부를 하셨나요? [5] 1212 06.10.17 425 0
10048 비교급 문장 공부하다가 궁금해서 죽겠어요. [2] .. 06.10.17 246 0
10047 I hit your head 는 틀린표현?? I hit you in the head ?? [2] 헬프미 06.10.17 334 0
10046 영단어책 질문!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ㅁㅇㄴㄹㅇㅁㄴ 06.10.17 85 0
10045 횽들아 paraphraze뜻이 뭐야? [3] 유자황토배즙 06.10.17 145 0
10044 어려운 특수구문 같은것은 공부는 그렇다 치고, 작성은? ^^$ 06.10.17 71 0
10043 it's been~ 은 뭐죠? [2] 비를즈 06.10.17 186 0
10042 영어 캐초보라 힘드네요;문법좀 봐주세요 [3] cho 06.10.17 131 0
10041 문법 설명 좀 해주세요. [1] ㅇㅇㅇ 06.10.17 81 0
10039 [필독] 공부법으로 듀오3.0 15일 끝내기 어리버리Eng 06.10.17 404 0
10038 횽들아 간단한 영작 질문 국통이 06.10.17 65 0
10037 to랑 of 해석하는것 좀 알려줘요. [1] ㅁㄴㅇ 06.10.17 86 0
10036 이 표현 좀 알려주세요~ [4] DangOO 06.10.17 106 0
10035 횽들 야심한 밤에 공부하다가 궁금한거 질문.. [4] 촟팅 06.10.17 141 0
10034 제목 적을 때 말입니다... [1] eng 06.10.17 62 0
10033 영어고수분들 .... 영작부탁합니다!~! 하하 06.10.17 58 0
10032 who care on the refrigerator ? 맞는 문장이에요.....?(3질) [4] ^^$ 06.10.17 122 0
10031 형들 이 고전명작들좀 영어이름좀 알려줘. [2] ㅇㅇ 06.10.17 96 0
10029 고수님들 염치불구하고 해석좀 부탁드릴게요... [1] ㅠ.ㅜ 06.10.16 83 0
10028 Dash-Bond Coat... 이게 무슨 뜻일까요~~?? [2] 닝기미 06.10.16 135 0
10027 아파트 렌트하러 갈때 첨에 뭐라고 인사해요? [2] eee 06.10.16 105 0
10025 이럴 때 어떻게 해야 하는지요? [4] 하이루 06.10.16 90 0
10024 미국 사신분 질문요 이거 어케말하나여 [4] 냐옹이 06.10.16 147 0
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