디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

번역 좀 부탁드려요.

한초희 2006.10.10 21:13:55
조회 63 추천 0 댓글 1

제가 내일 시험인데... 큰일났습니다. 번역 좀 도와주실분 안계세요? ㅠㅅㅠ 이멜은 fellix9@daum.net입니다. In plain English: Making it official Charles Krauthammer Linguistic culture: Growing up (as I did) in the province of Quebec, you learn not just the joys but also the perils of bilingualism. A separate national identity, revolving entirely around "Francophonie," became a raging issue that led to social unrest, terrorism, threats of separation and a referendum that came within hair's breadth of breaking up Canada. Canada, of course, had no choice about bilingualism. It is a country created of two nations at its birth, and has ever since been trying to cope with that inherently divisive fact. The U.S., by contrast blessed with a single common language for two centuries, seems blithely gratuitously to be ready to import bilingualism with all its attendant divisiveness and antagonisms. One of the major reasons for America's great success as the world's first "universal nation," for its astonishing and unmatched capacity for assimilating immigrants, has been that an automatic part of acculturation was the acquisition of English. And yet during the great immigration debate now raging in Congress, the people's representatives cannot make up their minds whether the current dominance of English should be declared a national asset, worthy of enshrinement in law. The Senate could not bring itself to declare English the country's "official language." The best it could do was pass an amendment to the Immigration Bill tepidly declaring English the "national language." Yet even that was too much for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, who called that resolution "racist." Less hyperbolic opponents point out that granting special official status to English is simply unnecessary: American has been accepting foreign-language-speaking immigrants forever-Brooklyn is so polyglot it is a veritable Babel-and yet we've done just fine. What's the great worry about Spanish? The worry is this. Polyglot is fine. When immigrants, like those in Brooklyn, are members of a myriad of linguistic communities, each tiny and discrete, there is no threat to the common culture. No immigrant presumes to make the demand that the State grant special status to his language. He may speak it in the street and proudly teach it to his children, but he knows that his future and certainly theirs lie inevitable in learning English as the gateway to American life. But all of that changes when you have an enormous, linguistically monoclonal immigration as we do today from Latin America. Then you get Brooklyn's successful Babel but Canada's restive Quebec. Monoclonal immigration is new for the U.S., and it changes things radically. If at the turn of the 20th century, Ellis Island had greeted teeming masses speaking not 50 languages but just, say, German, America might not have enjoyed the same success at assimilation and national unity that it has. Today's monoclonal linguistic culture is far from hypothetical. Growing rapidly through immigration, it creates large communities - in some places already majorities - so overwhelmingly Spanish speaking that, in time, they may quite naturally demand the rights and official recognitions for Spanish that French has in French - speaking Quebec. That would not be the end of the world - Canada is a decent place - but the beginning of a new one for the U.S., a world far more complicated and fraught with division. History has blessed America with all the freedom and advantages of multiculturalism. But it has also blessed the country, because of the accident of its origins, with a linguistic unity that brings a critically needed cohesion to a nation as diverse, multiracial and multiethnic as America. Why gratuitously throw away that priceless asset? How mindless to call the desire to retain it "racist." I speak three languages. My late father spoke nine. When he became a naturalised American in midcentury, it never occurred to him to demand of his new and beneficent land that whenever its government had business with him - tax forms, court proceedings, ballot boxes - that it should be required to communicate in French, his best language, rather than English, his last and relatively weakest. English is the U.S.'s national and common language. But that may change over time unless it changes its assimilation norms. Making English the official language is the first step toward establishing those norms. "Official" means the language of the Government and its institutions. "Official" makes clear the country's expectations of acculturation. "Official" means that every citizen, upon entering America's more sacred political space, the voting booth, should minimally be able to identify the words President and vice President and country commissioner and judge. The immigrant, of course, has the right to speak whatever he wants. But he must understand that when he enters the U.S., swears allegiance and accept its bounty, he undertakes to join its civic culture in English.

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