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갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영어 해석질문입니다~(본문 중 부분부분 질문)

롱맨이 2006.10.11 01:53:32
조회 167 추천 0 댓글 12

koto biwa shakuhachi 3가지 전부 악기 이름이에요~ <1> “Of all the Japanese music I heard before coming to Japan, the biwa was the most difficult to comprehend and assimilate,” he said, adding that the first biwa player he heard left him with an image of the “latent power of natural phenomenon, wind, water and sudden bursts of energy and violence.” he said, adding that the first biwa player he heard left him with an image of the “latent power of natural phenomenon, wind, water and sudden bursts of energy and violence.” <-- 요부분 질문요 ~~라고 그는말했다. 그는 부언했다 that 첫 비와연주자 (뭐가 생략됬죠?) he heard left him의 의미를 잘모르겠네요 "latene power of ~ violence"의 이미지를 .... "latene power of ~ violence(*해석 안해주셔도 되요~)"의 이미지를 .... 그이게 뭐 부여했다는건가여? ㅠ <2> But a meeting with players of Japanese traditional instruments drew him back into the music world. Once again, his life became full of music by learning the shakuhachi, the biwa as well as the koto. His koto teacher later became his wife, and the couple continue to live in Gunma Prefecture. Once again, his life became full of music by learning the shakuhachi, the biwa as well as the koto.  <--- 요부분 질문요 다시 한번,그의 삶은 샤크하치를 배우는것으로인해 음악으로 꽉찾다, the biwa as well as the koto.   <-- 요부분 모르겠네요 <3> “Something inside me told me not to let it go to waste,” he said. “So, I decided to try to do it properly.” But acquiring skills in playing the biwa in the traditional manner was no easy task as his mentor’s teaching methods relied more heavily on oral and aural traditions. “We played the same piece together, and he improvised. So I would have to know what was going to come next by instinct,” he said. After years of intensive training, Marshall was given the name, “Ranjo,” in 1998, when he was considered to have mastered the instrument. Currently, he teaches the biwa in Gunma Prefecture and Tokyo, while building a career as a performer. “We played the same piece together, and he improvised. So I would have to know what was going to come next by instinct,” he said.  After years of intensive training, Marshall was given the name, “Ranjo,” in 1998, when he was considered to have mastered the instrument. Currently, he teaches the biwa in Gunma Prefecture and Tokyo, while building a career as a performer. <--- 요부분만 해석요! 우리는 같이 같은부분을 연주했다, 그리고 그는 즉시 만들어냈다?. So I would have to know what was going to come next by instinct,” he said. <--- 요부분 해석불가요 ㅠ After years of intensive training, Marshall was given the name, “Ranjo,” in 1998, when he was considered to have mastered the instrument. 특훈이후에,1998년 마샬은 Ranjo라는 이름을 받았다 ,when he was considered to have mastered the instrument.  <---   이부분부탁드려요.. <4>영작질문 Smoking is not permitted a high school student, but there is one breaking the rule. 고등학생에게 금지되어있다고하려면 Smoking is not permitted to a high school student 인가여?

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번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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13040 이거 읽을줄 아는 분... [2] ㅅㅅㅅ 06.12.14 102 0
13039 해석좀 부탁해요~ [4] ㅇㅇㅇ 06.12.14 100 0
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13037 형들 모르는거 질문 합니다 [6] 06.12.14 106 0
13036 "왜 영어로 말하냐." 마구 때려 [1] ㅁㅁ 06.12.14 123 0
13035 I have a great longing for your help. [3] rt 06.12.14 111 0
13033 on the day, 다른 문장입니다. [8] ㅇㅇ 06.12.14 140 0
13032 편지글에 인용할건데..영작좀 부탁해요 [2] 영작부탁해 06.12.14 114 0
13031 문법문제~~ [3] rrrrrr 06.12.14 84 0
13030 [기사] “영어 문법공부 효과없어” [5] ㅇㅇ 06.12.14 387 0
13029 이게 왜 이렇게 해석되는지좀 알려주세요 [2] .. 06.12.14 115 0
13028 이거 영어로좀 바꿔주세염 [1] 234 06.12.14 87 0
13027 이웃의 토토로 영문판 제목이 문법 이상해. [3] 영어초보 06.12.14 156 0
13026 on the day 관련 문장인데요,,, 잘 이해가 안됩니다. [5] ㅇㅇ 06.12.14 142 0
13025 질문이 있음 [2] 딤섬 06.12.14 83 0
13024 질문이얌. [1] 밀쿤 06.12.14 385 0
13023 형들 심술부리다가 영어로 뭔가요? [2] 어좁이 06.12.14 1202 0
13022 Azar 사려는데 베이직 뭐사야 되는거야 [3] 아자 06.12.14 301 0
13021 영작 해봤는데, 잘됬는지좀 봐주세요. [3] 고딩맨 06.12.14 77 0
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13019 헐 형들 영어듣기 공부.. [1] ㅁㄴㅇㄹ 06.12.14 160 0
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13015 토익 브릿지 116점이면 막장? [2] ㅋㅋ 06.12.13 184 0
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13013 영어 문장 해석좀.. [1] 123 06.12.13 79 0
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13011 노력의 천재가 되라! 인내는 쓰다. 그러나 열매는 달다! [2] 명언 06.12.13 138 0
13010 영어 문장 읽고 이해는 하겠는데 이해하는 수준의 영어를 영작하지 못하는 이유는? [3] 06.12.13 142 0
13009 Grammar In Use 책 사려고합니다.. [4] 이름S2 06.12.13 414 0
13008 뉴 해커스 토익 MP3파일 있으신분있나여~ 슭구 06.12.13 132 0
13007 유투브에 동영상 올렸더니 누가 메일을..후덜덜..해석좀 해주세요 [3] ㄷㄷ 06.12.13 162 0
13006 횽아들 영어공부 조언좀; [1] sss 06.12.13 96 0
13004 한 문장 뜻 좀.... [6] ㄴㅇ 06.12.13 149 0
13003 영작좀 해주세요 ㅠ.ㅠ ㄴㄹㅇ 06.12.13 55 0
13002 올림푸스 광고..영어도 듣고..엽기분위기 광고도 보고 뵤지 06.12.13 45 0
13000 doubt에 대한 문법 질문입니다. [3] 학생 06.12.13 139 0
12999 그곳에 가고 싶어 졌다. 를 어떻해 해야 해? [1] aaaa 06.12.13 91 0
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12997 낼 영어시험이에요... 가정법 좀 질문이여! 빨리요 [3] 솔개 06.12.13 107 0
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12994 00은 한국에서 싫어하는 사람 없는 것 같다 번역좀 ..ㅠ [4] 06.12.13 138 0
12993 When the rain stopped에서... [2] 동구형 06.12.13 140 0
12992 by where 라는 것에 대해.. [7] ㅇㅇ 06.12.13 186 0
12991 I had a cup of coffee before class [2] 영어천재 06.12.13 184 0
12990 형들 저는 파릇파릇한 중학생인데요 [1] 이름 06.12.13 86 0
12989 모리와 함께한 화요일 원서로 읽어보신분~ [3] ER 06.12.13 182 0
12988 레스토랑에서 알바하는데 간단한 영어좀 알려줘 [6] 에고이스트 06.12.13 146 0
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