디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

횽들 여기좀 봐줘

허저비 2006.10.12 00:57:59
조회 65 추천 0 댓글 1

이번 presentation 할거인데 죽 훑어보고 틀린거 보이는거만 수정 부탁해 Good morning, everyone. It’s a nice day, isn't it? Do you like chocolate ? "yes, I like it''   The majority of people like chocolate very much. But, do you know that chocolate which we usually eat is an imitation? Most of chocolates which we can purchase at the local market are fakes. For example, -나 초콜릿, 키세- 초콜릿,  허- 초콜릿 Imitation chocolates include many vegetable oil, coconut powder, chocolate perfume. But, there are no many vegetable oil, coconut powder, chocolate perfume in real chocolate. Once you have decided to present chocolate to lover, you had better make a real chocolate which contains good ingredient. After listening to our presentation, you can make a real chocolate at home. Here is the table of contents. Step1 is ingredient, step2 is tempering and step3 is marshmallow chocolate. The last paragraph of this presentation is conclusion. Ok, now it's time to start. I’m first going to teach you how to make a real chocolate by yourself. First step is ingredients. You should prepare chocolate 200g, marshmallow, peanut and some cocoa flour. To begin with, you have to do tempering to make real chocolate. Tempering is a technical term that means a step of process of making chocolate to enhance its looking by controlling temperatures of it up and down. If you do not tempering, bloom phenomenon appears like this picture and the chocolate tastes awful. Bloom is the phenomenon that appears white marble pattern on the chocolate surface, because of inadequate moisture and temperature. Do you know what I’m saying? I mean tempering is important. If you got to know, then start to tempering. Put the chocolate on a chopping board and chop it finely. Sieve the chocolate. Put chocolate flour in a bowl, and put apart a lump of chocolate. Put hot water (50~60 'c) into the pot and empty the pot and put the chocolate into that pot. It makes the pot get hot. When number (3) is getting melted, stir it with a scoop to melt it completely. The chocolate must be kept under 50. Put the chocolate into bowl filled with cold water again. Decrease the temperature Wait until the temperature decrease to 27 degrees. At this time, the feeling of chocolate is more thick and heavy. Put the chocolate on the pot again. And stir about 30 seconds for the temperature rise to 30 degrees. The basic chocolate is ready. Now, we can start to make a marshmallow chocolate. Put the marshmallow and peanut into number one's melting chocolate, and mix evenly among all by scoop. Cover an airtight container with wrap, and pour number 2's chocolate into it. At this moment, hit the container to flatten the surface, and then put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Empty out the chocolate from a container, when the chocolate become perfectly hard. Sprinkle the cocoa on the upper and under surface of chocolate. Cut it the right shape and size. Today, I’ve thought you how to make a real chocolate by yourself. First, you must prepare the ingredients. Then, you have to tempering for making the best feeling of chocolate. Next, you make the marshmallow chocolate. Finally, you can enjoy or present the chocolate to lover. That concludes our presentation. After improving your cook ability, you can make chocolate art like these things. Maybe it takes 10 years for you to do it. Thank you for your attention. Are there any question? If you want to know more information, you can go to this websites.

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