디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Dance, Monkeys, Dance

gottagroove 2006.10.15 05:50:22
조회 75 추천 0 댓글 0

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/a15KgyXBX24"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></object> There are billions of galaxies in the observable universe And each of them contains hundreds of billions of stars In one of these galaxies Orbiting one of these stars Lies a little blue planet And this planet is run by a bunch of monkeys Now these monkeys don't think of themselves as monkeys They don't even think of themselves as animals In fact, they love to list all the things that they think separate them from the animals: Opposable thumbs Self-awareness They use words like Homo Erectus and Australopithecus You say Toe-mate-o, I say Toe-motto They're animals all right They're monkeys Monkeys with high-speed digital fiber-optic technology But monkeys nevertheless I mean, they're clever You've got to give them that The Pyramids, skyscrapers, phantom jets, the Great Wall of China That's all pretty impressive For a bunch of monkeys Monkeys whose brains have evolved to such an unmanageable size that it's now pretty much impossible for them stay happy for any length of time In fact, they're the only animals that think they're supposed to be happy All of the other animals can just be But it's not that simple for the monkeys You see, the monkeys are cursed with consciousness And so the monkeys are afraid So the monkeys worry The monkeys worry about everything but mostly about what all the other monkeys think Because the monkeys desperately want to fit in with the other monkeys Which is pretty hard to do because a lot of the monkeys hate each other This is really what separates them from the other animals These monkeys hate They hate monkeys that are different Monkeys from different places Monkeys who are a different color You see, the monkeys feel alone All six billion of them Some of the monkeys pay another monkey to listen to their problems The monkeys want answers and the monkeys know they're going to die So the monkeys make up gods and then they worship them Then the monkeys start to argue over whose made-up god is better Then the monkeys get really pissed off and this is usually when the monkeys decide that it's a good time to start killing each other So the monkeys wage war The monkeys make hydrogen bombs The monkeys have got their entire planet wired up to explode The monkeys just can't help it Some of the monkeys play to a sold out crowd of other monkeys The monkeys make trophies and then they give them to each other Like it means something Some of the monkeys think they've all figured out Some of the monkeys read Nietzsche The monkeys argue about Nietzsche without given any consideration to the fact that Nietzsche was just another monkey The monkeys make plans The monkeys fall in love The monkeys have sex and then they make more monkeys The monkeys make music and then the monkeys dance Dance, monkeys, dance The monkeys make a hell of a lot of noise The monkeys have so much potential if they would only apply themselves The monkeys shave the hair off of their bodies in blatant denial of their true monkey nature The monkeys build giant monkey hives that they call "cities" The monkeys draw a lot of imaginary lines in the dirt The monkeys are running out of the oil which is what fuels their precarious civilization The monkeys are polluting and raping their planet like there's no tomorrow The monkeys like to pretend that everything is just fine Some of the monkeys actually believe that the entire universe was created for their benefit As you can see . . . these are some messed up monkeys These monkeys are at once the ugliest and the most beautiful creatures on the planet And the monkeys don't want to be monkeys They want to be something else But they're not

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설문 가족과 완벽하게 손절해야 할 것 같은 스타는? 운영자 24/06/24 - -
10038 횽들아 간단한 영작 질문 국통이 06.10.17 65 0
10037 to랑 of 해석하는것 좀 알려줘요. [1] ㅁㄴㅇ 06.10.17 86 0
10036 이 표현 좀 알려주세요~ [4] DangOO 06.10.17 108 0
10035 횽들 야심한 밤에 공부하다가 궁금한거 질문.. [4] 촟팅 06.10.17 141 0
10034 제목 적을 때 말입니다... [1] eng 06.10.17 62 0
10033 영어고수분들 .... 영작부탁합니다!~! 하하 06.10.17 58 0
10032 who care on the refrigerator ? 맞는 문장이에요.....?(3질) [4] ^^$ 06.10.17 122 0
10031 형들 이 고전명작들좀 영어이름좀 알려줘. [2] ㅇㅇ 06.10.17 96 0
10029 고수님들 염치불구하고 해석좀 부탁드릴게요... [1] ㅠ.ㅜ 06.10.16 83 0
10028 Dash-Bond Coat... 이게 무슨 뜻일까요~~?? [2] 닝기미 06.10.16 135 0
10027 아파트 렌트하러 갈때 첨에 뭐라고 인사해요? [2] eee 06.10.16 105 0
10025 이럴 때 어떻게 해야 하는지요? [4] 하이루 06.10.16 91 0
10024 미국 사신분 질문요 이거 어케말하나여 [4] 냐옹이 06.10.16 150 0
10023 아파트 렌트해야되는데 도와주세요 [2] eee 06.10.16 68 0
10022 어휘문젠데 해석좀 부탁드립니다 -_-; 해석이 이상하게 안되네요 [3] 사랑 06.10.16 104 0
10019 스페인어 배우려고 하는데요 [1] ㄴㅇㄴ 06.10.16 81 0
10017 help 뒤에는 말야 (간단한 질문) [2] 스마일맨 06.10.16 94 0
10016 의미상의 주어는 어떻게 찾습니까? [1] 111 06.10.16 73 0
10015 @ 듀오3.0에 나오는 표현인데요, 좀 이상한거 같아서요@ [3] ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ 06.10.16 265 0
10013 고수님들 해석 도와주세요 [4] 야옹 06.10.16 116 0
10012 훃들 외국 사이트중에 괜찮은 커뮤니티 있는 곳좀 알려줘. ㅎㅎ 06.10.16 67 0
10011 For whom the bell tolls [2] 헤밍 06.10.16 100 0
10010 해석 좀 부탁드려요 횽아~~ [4] 더운고구마 06.10.16 74 0
10009 토익 900넘는 횽들 문장두개만 해석좀 해줘. ㅠㅠ [4] 수퍼관절기 06.10.16 205 0
10008 Toeic vs 공무원영어 [2] mm 06.10.16 258 0
10007 said not to be~~~~ [3] 12 06.10.16 110 0
10006 영작 좀 해주세요~ [2] 번여기 06.10.16 64 0
10005 권태기가 영어로 머애여? [3] 12345 06.10.16 258 0
10004 제발 ㅠㅠ 급해염...번역좀여잉 ㅠㅠㅠ [1] 이쁘니 06.10.16 66 0
10003 의학영어 좀 아는횽아좀 봐줘요 의영 06.10.16 48 0
10002 어학연수에 간 친구때문에 고민.(여자) [5] 452464 06.10.16 304 0
10000 Operation System. 운영체계? [4] d 06.10.16 78 0
9999 all item이 맞나요? all items가 맞나요? [3] 님들아 06.10.16 112 0
9997 간단한건데 해석이 좀 헷깔리네요 [3] .. 06.10.16 95 0
9994 이거 해석좀 해주세요~ [5] 으하 06.10.16 99 0
9993 아...이거 영작좀 [1] kdde 06.10.16 66 0
9991 과거와 과거완료에 대한건데요, 미국인 튜더의 말이 맞는지... [4] 나무 06.10.16 203 0
9990 형들 영어 질문좀할게 [2] ㅍㅂㅈㅊㄱ 06.10.16 99 0
9988 영작 두 문장만 해주세요. [1] 06.10.16 90 0
9987 횽들 해석하다가 막히는 부분이있어서; 조금만 도와줘ㅠㅠ [4] 영어ㅠㅠ 06.10.16 92 0
9986 영작좀부탁드려요 힝힝ㅎ이힝ㅎㅇ [1] 초미녀 06.10.16 95 0
9985 영작 좀 만 도와 주세요 ... [3] 란티에 06.10.16 92 0
9984 unfolding 번역 좀 해주세요 [2] ddd 06.10.16 105 0
9983 한줄 해석 부탁^ㅡ^ [2] 착한사람 06.10.16 69 0
9980 >>>>도와주세요~!!<<<< [5] 쵸코하임 06.10.16 93 0
9979 외국인한테 식사대접 할려는데 언제 시간 있냐고 물어볼려면 머라 해야 되나요?? [8] 델몬트 06.10.15 154 0
9978 영어 문법 질문 ~! [8] 123231 06.10.15 137 0
9977 강의 서민자 06.10.15 45 0
9976 영어 해석좀 해주세요 ㅠㅠ [4] 라라라 06.10.15 92 0
9975 횽들..영작좀해줘요` [2] ㅋ,ㅋ, 06.10.15 118 0
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