디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Regarding Refund앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(211.36) 2022.08.04 19:40:57
조회 43 추천 0 댓글 0

1. After the purchase, I found out that it was done on the wrong game account, so I immidiately contacted KONAMI, the app developer, to ask what to do, and it told me to go ask GOOGLE.


2. After that, I purchased items again on the right game account that I originally wanted to.


3. Some how, my refund got rejected despite that I didn't use any of the items purchased (for even now).


4. Again, I asked KONAMI what to do.


5. KONAMI admits that my items are 'unconsumed' but still wants me to go ask GOOGLE again.



It's not a small money for me.

I've proved that it was an accident
1. by making purchase again on the right game account.
2. by uncomsuming items, and this is verified by the app developer.

I've been suffering from stress that I lost money for nothing...

This happened because the game I play can't use the same ID in 2 other devices, so I should make another emty game account to get access another device for the first time. (Later on, I can connect my original ID)

I forgot to change the ID, and made purchase on the wrong game account that has nothing inside, which means I can't do anything with the items I bought.

It's like a kid having a car. He doesn't know how to drive, nor he can afford to buy fuel. For the kid, the car is as useleass as a trash on the street.

If I bought something wrong on my original game account, that's sad, but at least I use that account, and I can do something with it.

But on the wrong empty game account? What can I do? I don't even use it.

I beg you... it's even okay to delete the wrong game account so please receive my refund. It's a big money for such a poor student like me...

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