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섯 다 맞 고피망섯다머니

sasa(101.55) 2012.12.02 17:50:37
조회 49 추천 0 댓글 3

피망섯다머니【섯 다 맞 고】 ★[☞섯 다]───MM http://<U style="text-underline: red wave">k-sd.kr</U>/ MM───[맞 고☜] 【추가증정 ~!! 

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w546yh rt<v:shape style="WIDTH: 160.5pt; HEIGHT: 168pt" id=_x0000_i1026 type="#_x0000_t75"> <v:imagedata o:title="QQ截图20121201082211" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image003.png"></v:imagedata></v:shape><o:p></o:p>

<v:shape style="WIDTH: 160.5pt; HEIGHT: 168pt" id=_x0000_i1027 type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:title="QQ截图20121201082121" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image005.png"></v:imagedata></v:shape>A pair of materials researchers A pair of materials researchers <o:p></o:p>

[출처] <U>피망섯다머니 (헤어스타일따라잡기)</U> |작성자 <U>김여유님</U><o:p></o:p>

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피망섯다머니from PennsylvaniaState University have come up with a novel gel that can absorb 40 times its own피망섯다머니weight in oil and forms a soft solidthat is strong enough to be scooped up and fed straight into a refinery torecover the oil.The polymer developed by Mike Chung and Xuepei Yuan onlyinteracted with oil in 피망섯다머니tests and the swelledgel contained no water, which solves the sticky problem of separating spiltcrude from the water it pollutes.Chung says existing absorbers like straw, andeven corn cobs, can only hold about five times 피망섯다머니their own weight. They also pick up water along with the oil andbecome waste that has to be buried in special landfills or burned.The PennState scientists estimate피망섯다머니their polymer gel could be produced on a large scale for $<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:chmetcnv w:st="on" UnitName="a" SourceValue="2" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">2 a</st1:chmetcnv> pound, which isenough to recover more than five gallons of spilled oil worth roughly $12 basedon a barrel price of $80."Had this material been applied to the top of theleaking well head피망섯다머니 in the Gulf ofMexico during the 2010 spill, this... could have effectively transformed thegushing brown oil into a floating gel for easy피망섯다머니 collection and minimized the pollution consequences," thescientists said in their research paper on the new material.Rival teams haveapplied nanotechnology to the problem피망섯다머니 to produce ultra-lightweight sponges that are oleophilic andhydrophobic - they love oil but repel water.Daniel Hashim and colleagues atRice University in Houston have found a way to turn carbon nanotubes -atom-thick sheets of carbon rolled into피망섯다머니 cylinders - into a sponge material that sucks up oil and can eitherbe squeezed or burned to remove it. In either case the fire-resistant spongecan be피망섯다머니 re-used.Hashim told Reuters he hassome seed capital from companies and individual investors to develop thetechnology but there are plenty of hurdles ahead.Aside from the need to developa system to deploy the sponge material into an oil spill피망섯다머니, "the most significant barrier is equipment cost associatedwith the scale-up process," he said.If those hurdles can be overcome, thematerial could be useful in 피망섯다머니theArctic because it retains its sponginess even in extreme cold. [☞섯다]───MM▶【 http://<U style="text-underline: red wave">k-sd.kr</U>/ 】◀MM───[맞고☜] 【추가증정 ~!!】피망섯다머니

<o:p> </o:p>

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