디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

[일반] 스포 대한거 몇개 가져와봤다

ㅇㅇ(107.189) 2021.09.10 00:55:51
조회 233 추천 0 댓글 1

스포 영어로 해석 하던 얘는 15살 짜리 였다



요번 경영은 6일날 사녹했다고 한다 

계속 읽다 보니 차이빙은 짱쿼들이 밀어주네 포기해라 못 떨군다.

궁금한건 guazhu 누구인가이다

YA possibly!! basically in op's original words she's going to get a storyline that will let her 'fall first rise later' but idk about the timeframe for this so ur example is possible!! it could also be that she doesn't do great this perf and then redeems herself on a later stage

유리나 내려갔다 다시 올려치기하는  스토리 라인  ㅇㅇㅇ

활동기간은 2년 반
2.5 years!!

the real guazhu said they would debut right away actually ? but there's still 1 and a half months until the show ends haha there's still plenty of time!! we just have to wait and see but i personally hope they debut asap i don't have the patience to wait another 2 months 😭

이번에 톱9 뽑히고 바로 활동 들어간다 2달 남았다고

PLEASE SAVE ME u guys i am legitimately not mnet!!! idk what goes on behind the scenes!! i just happen to know chinese and have db installed 😭 haha

디비가 뭔진 모르지만 본인은 엠넷 관계자는 아니고 db 가 인스톨 되있다는대 이건  뭐냐 ?

ahh right :((( the main ones i'm worried about are 1) no survival shows and 2) less chances for stages so i feel like a lot of the girls will stay in the basement for a while or try to debut in korea... but we'll still have to wait and see!! i don't think they've finished updating the list of regulations yet sighs i still haven't quite wrapped my head around the existing ones 😭

시지핑 때문에 지금 짱쿼들은 어찌될지 잘은 모르겠지만 데뷔해도 문제가 될수있다네 중국으로 런은 못하겠네

i dont know where to put this but i have something to say, recently gp999 c trainees have had cases where they did ca, yes they were wrong for that and they should be held accountable for they actions but i believe educating them rather than cancelling them is what people should do the k-industry is different to the c-industry, as the k-industry caters to everyone in the market especially the west while in the c-industry is mainly focused on the mainland market and they have not much exposure on the western market as china has their own platforms, sites like google wikipedia twitter etc are blocked unless they use vpn so i dont get why they keep saying “google is free, they can search it there etc” when in the first place they can’t access it, you can also hardly see anything about foreign issues in baidu and posting about it on weibo might even get you shadowbanned i am in no way defending their actions but i hope people understand that in places like china they have strict internet censorship hence people barely know anything about western issues coming back to i believe that people should educate rather than cancel, if they do something problematic fans do reach out to the fanclubs and the company to inform them about what they did was wrong and hurtful, but still hold them accountable. i also do understand that if they want to be in a kpop group they should learn about whats right or wrong in both korea and the western market but at the same time theyre in a survival show fighting for a debut spot i dont think they have ample time to know more about issues unless someone in the show brings it up and they talk about it theyre human beings too everyone makes mistakes so hate the actions not the person, not unless theyve been educated about the things they didnwrong and they still kept on repeating it then i think that is the right time to cancel


!! thank u for this anon!! i quite agree esp with the last paragraph ,, imo if people want to unstan bc they're uncomfortable then i won't try to stop them but there's a lot of random hate being thrown these days where i'm like ?__? so thank u for saying this!!

답장에 항미에 대해서 누군가 질 문했는대 그냥 항미가 싫으면 뽑지 말라고 하네

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번호 말머리 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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475513 일반 휴동은 유툽 트위터 틱톡 좆니버스 전부 짱먹네 예서남친마시로남편갤로그로 이동합니다. 21.09.10 62 3
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475510 일반 휴닝이데뷔원함시벌ㅋㅋㅋ보면볼수록빠진다 ㅇㅇ(222.112) 21.09.10 63 3
475509 일반 둘중에 선택하면 누구?? [5] ㅇㅇ(119.197) 21.09.10 85 2
475508 일반 리사가 태국서 인기있는이유가 [3] ㅇㅇ(1.250) 21.09.10 342 1
475507 일반 랑종에 나오는 태국녀도 귀엽던데 [4] ㅇㅇ(211.36) 21.09.10 114 0
475506 일반 @@@ 채현아 다이어트 좀 해주면 안되니_ ? ㅇㅇ(175.125) 21.09.10 54 0
475505 일반 짱개년들 왜 한국말도 못 하면 ㅇㅇ(36.38) 21.09.10 48 0
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갤러리 내부 검색
제목+내용게시물 정렬 옵션

오른쪽 컨텐츠 영역

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