오역많음 도와주셈
Americans have a
8.5 tank preview on their server (didn't notice the same thing on EU server, hence the US link)
->북미섭에 8.5 탱크 프리뷰 뜸 (유럽섭엔 없던뎅)
- according to SerB, there is no corellation between shooting distance and damage done (a player was complaining that when shooting over 300m, shells do less than average damage more often)
->SerB가 사격거리와 데미지사이엔 아무 관계가 없다고 함 (멀리있는애 쏜다고 데미지가 덜들어가진 않음)
- regarding the rule where a player is not allowed by the MM to play as a top team tank for too long: in one-tier battles (battles where all the tanks are f.x. tier 1 or 2), this rule does not apply (SS: conclusion - it works with a tier position, not balancing weight)
->(수정) MM이 한 플레이어가 너무 오래 탑티어가 되지 않도록 하는 규칙은 단일티어전투(1~2티어)에는 적용되지 않음 (영주: 결론 - 규칙은 티어 위치에만 적용될뿐, 밸런싱 가중치에는 영향없음)
- Q: "what will happen to VK3002DB tier-wise in 0.8.5?" A: "For now you can only guess"
->Q: VK3002DB트리는 어떻게 될거임? A: 안가르쳐주징
- Indienpanzer has the Bundeswehr cross, because it's a post-war vehicle
->인디언판저는 전후에 나왔으니 독일연방군마크를 달거임
- there won't be any copyrighted decals on vehicles
->전차에 저작권있는 문양은 안나올거
- the ability to spot a tank does not depend on how much of the tank you can see (eg. a fully uncovered tank has the same chance to be spotted as a tank completely covered by an obstacle with only one visibility checkpoint sticking out)
->스팟능력과 탱크가 노출된 정도는 관련없음(예를 들어 완전히 노출된 탱크와 종양만 빼꼼 내민 탱크의 스팟될 확률은 같음)
- there are plans to introduce Soviet lowtier tank destroyers, such as GAZ-75 or SU-45
->소련 저티어 구축을 넣을 계획이 있음. GAZ-75나 SU-45 같은거
- there are no plans to introduce additional gun to SU-101
->SU-101한테 다른 주포 달아줄 생각은 없음
- SerB wrote that some maps are removed when they are unfit for gameplay. A player then asked if that is so, why do they stay in company battles? Answer: "Clarification - they are unfit for gameplay in random battles."
->(수정) SerB가 게임플레이에 맞지 않는 맵들은 삭제된다고 했더니 어떤 유저가 그럼 왜 중대전엔 남아있냐고 질문함. 답변:엄밀히 말하면 그 맵들은 무작위전투 게임플레이에 맞지않음
- Tank "121" is not WZ-121 or Type 69
->121 탱크는 WZ-121이나 69식이 아님
- Indienpanzer confirmed to have a 90mm gun
->인디언판저는 90밀 주기로 했음
- Q: "Indienpanzer's gun has the same parameters as Pershing's T15E2M2, why was it written in the review that it's ´heavily armed´?" A: "It's a really heavy gun :)"
->Q: 인디언판저 주포는 퍼싱의 T15E2M2랑 같은데 왜 예전에 리뷰할땐 중무장했다고 쓴거야? A: 중무장맞는데 :) 무겁잖아
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