디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

original모바일에서 작성

영갤러(106.101) 2024.10.27 19:01:04
조회 28 추천 0 댓글 0

just accept it.

I. \əˈrijənəl, -jnəl\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin originale, from Latin originale, adjective, original, neuter of originalis
1. archaic
a. : the source or cause from which something arises
b. : parentage
c. : author, originator
2. archaic : origin 2
a. : a model, pattern, or archetype that is copied
  (1) : a primary manu from which copies are made
  (2) : a direct impression produced by a typewriter especially when made simultaneously with one or more carbon copies
  (1) : the person or thing represented in a photograph or an artist's work
  (2) : a picture or work of art from which copies are made
4. : a work composed firsthand : an artist's independent or spontaneous product
< caught up on their mail or … wrote an original against the rainy season — Budd Schulberg >
a. : a person of fresh initiative or inventive capacity : innovator
  < an original among popular pianists, combining jazz and romantic techniques in an unusually effective manner — Douglas Watt >
b. archaic : eccentric 3
6. : a postage stamp from an original issue, as distinguished from a reprint or a reissue
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin originalis, from origin-, origo origin + -alis -al
a. : of or relating to a rise or beginning :existing from the start : initial, primary, pristine
  < original plans called for many films to be made simultaneously — Cecile Starr >
  < the forests were in large part original — J.M.Mogey >
b. : constituting a source, beginning, or first reliance
  < the original account of the mutiny … as recorded by two of the survivors — F.R.Dulles >
a. : taking independent rise : having spontaneous origin : not secondary, derivative, or imitative : fresh, new
  < gives us, as all good poetry does, an original angle of vision — C.D.Lewis >
b. : gifted with powers of independent thought, direct insight, or constructive imagination : creative, fertile, germinal, inventive
  < esteemed as an original American composer >
c. : constituting the product or model from which copies are made
  < found the original manu, of which copies had long been current >
Synonyms: see new

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451764 트럼프 캐나다 천재(118.39) 24.12.26 50 0
451763 천재님 질문드립니다. [2] 영갤러(121.145) 24.12.26 92 1
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451749 중세시대배경 겜 어휘넘 어려움 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.26 78 0
451748 말해보카가 쓰레기인 많은 이유 중 두가지. [2] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.12.26 413 7
451745 [385/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.26 37 0
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451739 이거 해석좀 ㅇㅇ(182.226) 24.12.26 45 0
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451733 돈 돈 돈 [1] 천재(118.39) 24.12.25 70 0
451732 회화 발음 교정할때 한국어 명사도 바꿔 부름? [2] ㅇㅇ(59.12) 24.12.25 85 0
451731 필기체 해석좀 ㅠ [6] ㅇㅇ(117.20) 24.12.25 166 0
451730 기독교인은 노안전. in the birth town of Jesus! 천재(118.39) 24.12.25 38 0
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451715 영어듣기는 최소한 음절은 구분되어서 들려야 됨 ㅇㅇ(114.30) 24.12.25 97 0
451714 [384/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.25 33 0
451713 외국인한테 고맙습니다랑 감사합니다의 차이를 설명하려면 뭐라고 해야됨? [7] ㄹㄹ(175.125) 24.12.25 218 0
451712 How to dance 천재(118.39) 24.12.25 33 0
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451707 보트 폭발 천재(118.39) 24.12.24 39 0
451706 병신같은 문장들 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.24 111 0
451705 회화 못하는 초보인데요 접근법이 이게 맞을까요 [1] 영갤러(112.149) 24.12.24 165 0
451704 병사 천재(118.39) 24.12.24 23 0
451703 도둑과 경비 천재(118.39) 24.12.24 25 0
뉴스 박형식, 기억 잃었다… 보물섬 10.2% 자체 최고 기록 [차트IS] 디시트렌드 03.02
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