디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Anyone interested in music.

영갤러(218.52) 2024.11.23 04:30:57
조회 56 추천 2 댓글 1

I really love some genre of music that I love so much. Guitar blues music, rock'n'roll, the beatles, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and so on. I also play guitar. Similar to the way I studied and learned English, I learned guitar by myself. I listened to music I like and tried to imitate the sound of guitar by myself. Actually, the guitar players in the records taught me how to play guitar. But, after I found 'Rick Beato' on YouTube, he got to be my more realistic teacher. I explained some music theories and I could understood what I hadn't understood before I met him on YouTube. 

He has been a musician, engineer and producer all his life. But, later I found and felt that he is more like a researcher in science than a musician. In music, there are factors that human mind can't understand, but he seems to have only focused on external facets of music, not much on soul, heart and spirit of music. On an interview I watched last night, which he did with the great David Gilmour. David seemed to be a person who is full of spiritual energy of music while Rick seemed like a scientific researcher whose mind was just trying to understand the mysterious aspects of a thing called music, without feeling it any more deeper. Rick's glaring eyes seemed like ones of scientific, logical curiousness, not of an artist trying to feel music more deeper. 

Yes, I learned new scales and theories from him and he really made me play a few more versatile styles of music and I feel grateful for him. And they're kind of important things to learn as a guitar player. But, there are more than those in music. Similar to lots of phenomena in the nature which any human can't understand in full details until now, music has similar mysteries. I think musicians need to feel those in his or her deepest heart and just do it without doing too much thinking.

Anyway, this is one of the greatest interviews I have watched. I love both of them, anyway.



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