디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Tang men is the hardest class to master 앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(59.13) 2022.08.16 02:25:33
조회 143 추천 0 댓글 0


Tang men is the hardest class to master in game from what I read. Though it apply to all classes as every class is easy to learn but hard to master!

Tang men

Pros: sustain dmg, mobility, cc and break away combo are good

Cons: no burst dmg, gotta be percise on where you land your skills, low hp, regen slow

Conclusion: you have to really know how to control and land your character's cc and skill to play this class well, class difficulty hard

Tai bai

Pros: more charge/break in skills on enemy, burst dmg, easier skills to break away from cc so you die less, able to enhance skills, if cc good it will do a lot of dmg.

Cons: long cd on skills, skills may be powerful but it's not easy to land on target, the knockdown skills can easily be canceled by other player

Conclusion: same like tang men gotta be precise in landing skills and cc, class difficulty medium

Shen Wei

Pros: the so call tank in game because th.ey have two times more hp compared to other classes, knockdown skills are so so but easy to land on

Cons: lack of cc skills and breakaway skills

Conclusion: th.ey are the tank, people say this class are for the wealthy peeps because the more th.ey spend on their equips the more hp th.ey'll have. Class difficulty medium

Zhen wu

Pros: knockdown skills are good with good hit rate, low cd on skills, the only class in game that can hold the boss in place with 离渊, have counter attack skills

Cons: lack of break in skills to charge into enemy, have burst dmg but not strong and not easy to land on, "half control" skills can be dodge ( like enemy can dodge the shadow skill if th.ey know you are gonna use it.)

Conclusion: class difficulty easy, good dmg, fancy skills

Tian Xiang

Pros: the only healer in game, can be in close or range combat, aoe skills are great, cc are good but dmg are so so

Cons: breakaway skills and control skills are long, no burst dmg, can only be in one mode( healer or dps) at a time.

Conclusion: class difficulty easy, every party will want you,

Gai bang

Pros: best class with the sense of attack( the feeling of hitting enemy), cc are smooth and great, burst dmg, to player or boss you don't need to knockdown for you to control or lock them down

Cons: lack of mobility, skill animation is long

Conclusion: if you're a pvper this class is great for you cause of the sense of hitting, if any player got chased down by gai bang th.ey are some what dead already because gai bang can lock you down like there is no tmr, class difficulty is medium

Tai bai and zhen wu are the class that has fancy skills and looking bad ass

Gai bang and tang men are the better pvp class, gai bang lockdown, tang men kites

Tian Xiang is the healer with pretty clothes

Shen Wei is the tank, for the riches

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1610303 본인 몰카범 잡을뻔한적 있음.txt [3] 디씨전용아이디갤로그로 이동합니다. 22.08.16 145 1
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