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jcally jm20 dac 에 대한 평가

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Noise performance is impressive:



JCally JM20 Headphone Amp Review

Author:Andy.EF DAC Chip: Cirrus Logic CS43131 (Single) 32bits/384KHz, DSD64, DSD128, DSD256. SNR: 120dB, Distortion=0.0003% (32Ω load, 1.2vrms), Power: 0.95 Vrms@32Ω, 2 Vrms@600Ω, USB Type-C Male, 3.5mm SE (Microphone: NO), Compact, Braided SPC Cable 120mm, Painted Aluminum Chassis   Strengths: Exceedingly crisp, coherent timbre – sparkly neutral and natural Clean Treble textures with graceful decays, mild airiness Excellent Treble extensions, comparable to Cayin N6ii and Topping D10s Commendable Bass extensions and details with tasty textures Strong, commanding Mid-Bass with lush decays. Bass exhibit solid texture definition, Mids moderately rich Moderately strong sounding sub-Bass seismic sensation and impact Lively guitars and stringed instruments attack Reference grade speed and transients handling Neutral, slightly forward, and clear male/female vocals, good depth Excellent micro details, almost reference grade Great Piano, Violin and Cello tones, attack, and decays Commendable sibilance resistance despite being sparkly bright. Clean background with zero floor noise   Weaknesses: Slightly dry overall timbre tonality, sometimes barren (sterile) Average dynamic vibe overall, mild visceral bite and groove Less-organic, less-analogue timbre disposition Bass rolls off slightly shorter compared on reference grade comparison. Can be unforgiving on some songs, dependent on recording quality. Moderate layering, instruments sounded spaced closer together. Less than spectacular headstage, soundstage cramped in slightly. Spatial imaging is precise but less holographic compared to reference samples.   VERDICT: JCally JM20 turned out to be adeptly capable to stand proud among the two reference DAP/DAC/Amp of Cayin N6ii and Topping D10s/A50s, on a condition that the other two runs on Single Ended mode and in low gain settings, with limit set to 100 Ohm and below. Switch the other two to High Gain Mode and Balanced, then admittedly there’s slight superiority in heightened sense of space and separation. What they all do share very similarly are the exceedingly clean and coherent attributes as DAC/Amp, even if I must nit-pick then I would say D10s/A50s being the most articulate – only by tiny margin. And I regard all three of them as similarly fashioned in overall timbre and tonality – with subtle nuances separating them. D10s/A50s being pristine clear, N6ii being euphonic and dynamic – JM20 exhibiting a bit of both, proudly. Small and powerful, what is there not to like about this little wonder?   OVERALL RATING: 85/100 Recommended Pairing: Flexible choices (100Ω max)   Relative articles USB DAC/Amp Dongles, Reviewed and Rated



JCally JM20 Headphone Amp Review

Author:Andy.EF DAC Chip: Cirrus Logic CS43131 (Single) 32bits/384KHz, DSD64, DSD128, DSD256. SNR: 120dB, Distortion=0.0003% (32Ω load, 1.2vrms), Power: 0.95 Vrms@32Ω, 2 Vrms@600Ω, USB Type-C Male, 3.5mm SE (Microphone: NO), Compact, Braided SPC Cable 120mm, Painted Aluminum Chassis   Strengths: Exceedingly crisp, coherent timbre – sparkly neutral and natural Clean Treble textures with graceful decays, mild airiness Excellent Treble extensions, comparable to Cayin N6ii and Topping D10s Commendable Bass extensions and details with tasty textures Strong, commanding Mid-Bass with lush decays. Bass exhibit solid texture definition, Mids moderately rich Moderately strong sounding sub-Bass seismic sensation and impact Lively guitars and stringed instruments attack Reference grade speed and transients handling Neutral, slightly forward, and clear male/female vocals, good depth Excellent micro details, almost reference grade Great Piano, Violin and Cello tones, attack, and decays Commendable sibilance resistance despite being sparkly bright. Clean background with zero floor noise   Weaknesses: Slightly dry overall timbre tonality, sometimes barren (sterile) Average dynamic vibe overall, mild visceral bite and groove Less-organic, less-analogue timbre disposition Bass rolls off slightly shorter compared on reference grade comparison. Can be unforgiving on some songs, dependent on recording quality. Moderate layering, instruments sounded spaced closer together. Less than spectacular headstage, soundstage cramped in slightly. Spatial imaging is precise but less holographic compared to reference samples.   VERDICT: JCally JM20 turned out to be adeptly capable to stand proud among the two reference DAP/DAC/Amp of Cayin N6ii and Topping D10s/A50s, on a condition that the other two runs on Single Ended mode and in low gain settings, with limit set to 100 Ohm and below. Switch the other two to High Gain Mode and Balanced, then admittedly there’s slight superiority in heightened sense of space and separation. What they all do share very similarly are the exceedingly clean and coherent attributes as DAC/Amp, even if I must nit-pick then I would say D10s/A50s being the most articulate – only by tiny margin. And I regard all three of them as similarly fashioned in overall timbre and tonality – with subtle nuances separating them. D10s/A50s being pristine clear, N6ii being euphonic and dynamic – JM20 exhibiting a bit of both, proudly. Small and powerful, what is there not to like about this little wonder?   OVERALL RATING: 85/100 Recommended Pairing: Flexible choices (100Ω max)   Relative articles USB DAC/Amp Dongles, Reviewed and Rated



JCally JM20 Headphone Amp Review

Author:Andy.EF DAC Chip: Cirrus Logic CS43131 (Single) 32bits/384KHz, DSD64, DSD128, DSD256. SNR: 120dB, Distortion=0.0003% (32Ω load, 1.2vrms), Power: 0.95 Vrms@32Ω, 2 Vrms@600Ω, USB Type-C Male, 3.5mm SE (Microphone: NO), Compact, Braided SPC Cable 120mm, Painted Aluminum Chassis   Strengths: Exceedingly crisp, coherent timbre – sparkly neutral and natural Clean Treble textures with graceful decays, mild airiness Excellent Treble extensions, comparable to Cayin N6ii and Topping D10s Commendable Bass extensions and details with tasty textures Strong, commanding Mid-Bass with lush decays. Bass exhibit solid texture definition, Mids moderately rich Moderately strong sounding sub-Bass seismic sensation and impact Lively guitars and stringed instruments attack Reference grade speed and transients handling Neutral, slightly forward, and clear male/female vocals, good depth Excellent micro details, almost reference grade Great Piano, Violin and Cello tones, attack, and decays Commendable sibilance resistance despite being sparkly bright. Clean background with zero floor noise   Weaknesses: Slightly dry overall timbre tonality, sometimes barren (sterile) Average dynamic vibe overall, mild visceral bite and groove Less-organic, less-analogue timbre disposition Bass rolls off slightly shorter compared on reference grade comparison. Can be unforgiving on some songs, dependent on recording quality. Moderate layering, instruments sounded spaced closer together. Less than spectacular headstage, soundstage cramped in slightly. Spatial imaging is precise but less holographic compared to reference samples.   VERDICT: JCally JM20 turned out to be adeptly capable to stand proud among the two reference DAP/DAC/Amp of Cayin N6ii and Topping D10s/A50s, on a condition that the other two runs on Single Ended mode and in low gain settings, with limit set to 100 Ohm and below. Switch the other two to High Gain Mode and Balanced, then admittedly there’s slight superiority in heightened sense of space and separation. What they all do share very similarly are the exceedingly clean and coherent attributes as DAC/Amp, even if I must nit-pick then I would say D10s/A50s being the most articulate – only by tiny margin. And I regard all three of them as similarly fashioned in overall timbre and tonality – with subtle nuances separating them. D10s/A50s being pristine clear, N6ii being euphonic and dynamic – JM20 exhibiting a bit of both, proudly. Small and powerful, what is there not to like about this little wonder?   OVERALL RATING: 85/100 Recommended Pairing: Flexible choices (100Ω max)   Relative articles USB DAC/Amp Dongles, Reviewed and Rated


단점 (Weaknesses):

음색이 다소 건조하고, 때때로 인공적(무미건조)으로 들릴 수 있음.

전반적인 다이내믹이 평균적이며, 감성적 깊이나 “그루브”가 약함.

유기적이거나 아날로그적인 음색 느낌이 부족함.

저음이 기준급 장비와 비교했을 때 살짝 일찍 소멸함.

녹음 품질에 따라 일부 곡에서는 관대하지 않음.

악기 간의 거리감이 다소 좁게 느껴짐.

음장(사운드스테이지)이 좁고, “홀로그램” 같은 입체감이 부족함.

장점 (Strengths):

음색이 매우 선명하고 일관성이 있으며, 자연스러움.

트레블(고음) 텍스처가 깨끗하며, 감미로운 디케이(잔향)와 약간의 공기감을 제공.

고음 확장이 우수하며, 상위급 장비와도 비교 가능.

베이스는 세부적인 표현력과 맛깔스러운 질감을 제공.

중저음이 강력하며 잔향이 풍부함.

서브베이스도 강한 편으로, 적당한 충격감 제공.

기타와 현악기의 어택감이 생동감 있음.

속도와 과도 응답이 기준급 수준.

남녀 보컬이 중립적이면서도 약간 전방에 위치하며 깊이감 있음.

피아노, 바이올린, 첼로 음색 및 어택, 디케이가 훌륭함.

시빌런스(고음의 치찰음)를 잘 억제함.

배경 노이즈가 없어 깨끗한 사운드를 제공.

리뷰어는 이 장비가 매우 선명하고 일관된 음색을 가졌지만, 약간 건조하거나 인공적인 느낌이 있을 수 있다고 지적합니다. 베이스와 서브베이스는 좋지만, 기대만큼 충격적이지는 않다는 점에서 아쉬움을 느꼈습니다. 하지만 피아노, 현악기, 보컬 표현은 뛰어나고, 시빌런스 저항력도 인상적이라는 긍정적인 평가를 남겼습니다.

결론적으로, 장단점이 분명하며 특정 취향에 따라 호불호가 갈릴 가능성이 높아 보입니다.

posted a link to an analysis of the potential pops & clicks caused by the Class H mode often used on these CS43131 chips—don’t know about the JM20:

먼가 팝이나 클릭소리 난다는 사람도 있네요

나도 윈도우에 연결했을때 가끔씩 끊겨서 반품해버림..불량걸린건감

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