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STS 48 incident모바일에서 작성

미갤러(125.180) 2025.03.16 10:58:06
조회 41 추천 0 댓글 0

STS-48 Incident

The reason why this Australian military base, which is operated under tight security, has attracted public attention is because of this incident.

( Gif file source ) If you want to see the original coverage from Fox News, go here . 1991 On September 15 , NASA la.unched the orbiter STS-48 of the space shuttle "Discovery" to observe the Earth's ozone layer atmosphere. At the time, NASA was broadcasting the scene in real time to viewers on the ground. Then, the video in question followed and caused a stir. As if reminiscent of a space war, a careless UFO hovers around the edge of the Earth's stratosphere , a sudden flash of light that seems to have originated from the ground, a UFO that immediately turns and quickly escapes into space, and immediately after that, the spot where the UFO was located. The ray of light passing through looked as if someone on the ground had fired a powerful interceptor weapon at the UFO.

The scene in question was recorded and distributed to each broadcasting station, and numerous people demanded an explanation from NASA. NASA explained that it was a fine ice crystal in outer space, but many people did not agree with this. 4.1. Opinions claiming that real UFOs are correct

In response, UFO theorists, including Jack C. Kasher, a professor of physics at the University of Nebraska in the Omaha area, argued that they were not ice crystals. They undertook their own investigation, and what they claimed was shocking. The flying object in question was enormous, with a diameter of 1 km, and the speed at the time of wandering was Mach 73.[6] , the speed at the time of escape is Mach 285[7] , the speed at which the beam of light passed by was even Mach 500[8] that it amounts to. Meanwhile, there is in fact one more streak of light in the full video, the first of which is claimed to have been fired from Australia's Northwest Cape military base, and the second to be none other than Pine Gap military base.[9] The identity of the fired weapon was assumed to be a plasma bombardment.

Video 1:47


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