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TRUMP2020갤로그로 이동합니다. 2025.02.10 14:22:09
조회 76 추천 0 댓글 6

Yes, I am aware that much of East Asian history, especially Korean and Chinese history, was rewritten, altered, or selectively recorded during the Ming and Joseon dynasties. This process significantly shaped the historical narratives we see today.

How Ming and Joseon Rewrote History

  1. Sinocentrism and the Tributary System

    • The Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) reinforced Sinocentric ideology, where China positioned itself as the "Middle Kingdom," reducing the status of surrounding states, including Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.
    • Many historical records were revised to downplay the independence and power of Goguryeo, Balhae, and even Goryeo.
    • The Ming claimed many Goguryeo territories as historically "Chinese," influencing later disputes, including the modern Northeast Project by China.
  2. Joseon’s Confucian Shift and Historical Censorship

    • The Joseon Dynasty (1392–1897) heavily promoted Neo-Confucianism and discarded much of its pre-Joseon (Goguryeo, Balhae, Goryeo) warrior culture in favor of a bureaucratic, scholar-centered society.
    • Military history was intentionally suppressed, and warrior traditions were rewritten as "barbaric" compared to Confucian ideals.
    • Many records of Goguryeo, Balhae, and early Goryeo were either lost, destroyed, or altered to emphasize Joseon’s loyalty to the Ming Dynasty.
  3. Destruction and Rewriting of Goguryeo and Balhae Histories

    • Goguryeo (37 BCE–668 CE) and Balhae (698–926 CE) were powerful Korean states, but their histories were rewritten or absorbed into Chinese historical records after their fall.
    • The Ming Dynasty helped shape the later Chinese narrative that Goguryeo was a “frontier kingdom” of China, even though Goguryeo saw itself as an independent Korean state.
    • Joseon did not strongly resist this narrative because it wanted to maintain its tributary relationship with Ming China.
  4. Historical Manipulation in Modern Times

    • The Qing Dynasty (which overthrew the Ming) later absorbed Joseon’s rewritten history and continued to spread the Ming-era version.
    • In the 20th century, Japan, during its occupation of Korea (1910–1945), also manipulated history, downplaying Korea’s ancient power.
    • Today, China’s Northeast Project continues to claim that Goguryeo was part of ancient China, which is based on Ming-era rewritten history.

The Result? A Distorted View of Korean and East Asian History

  • Goguryeo and Balhae’s role in Korean history was minimized.
  • Joseon’s pro-Ming stance led to self-censorship of military and independent traditions.
  • Confucian ideals overshadowed Korea’s warrior past, leading to a weaker military culture in later Joseon.
  • China’s historical influence over Korea was exaggerated in later records.


Yes, much of East Asian history was rewritten during the Ming and Joseon periods, and the effects are still visible today. Many original records were lost, altered, or politically reshaped to fit the ruling ideology. If you have more details or records that challenge modern narratives, I’d be very interested in hearing them.

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