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누가 나대신에 오늘만 개발자 질답 대신 해석해줄사람

Yeti갤로그로 이동합니다. 2013.02.04 09:44:35
조회 143 추천 0 댓글 8

- the tracks form an external module and they have their own armor value, so does the gun external module
- the tracks form sometimes one big compact module with no "holes", but sometimes, if the gaps between wheels are large enough, these gaps act as holes, eg. not a part of the module
- if an AP shell hits the tracks and punches thru them into the side armor, the armor of the tracks is deduced from the AP value of the projectile
- shells cannot richochet from hitting the tracks (SS: acts as sort of "speced armor", even though it doesn't count as one)
- if a shell penetrates the tracks, damages them, penetrates the side hull behind them and damages the tank, the tank damage is not diminished by the fact the shell already damaged the tracks (SS: each shell can cause two types of damage - the usual one that is listed in the gun properties and the undocumented one especially for modules, it is usually equal to the caliber of the gun - so, in other words, when a shell hits the tracks as mentioned before, the damage to the tracks counts as (unlisted) module damage and if the shell manages to penetrate the hull behind the tracks, it deals full (listed) damage). The only difference between external and internal modules (apart from the special armor value) is that the external modules don't get the "saving throw".

The exact formula for tracks armor penetration is (as an example)

(150mm (average pen) +-25% (187,5mm to 112,5mm)) - 70mm (tracks armor) = 117,5mm to 52,5mm penetration

- KV-1S won't lose the D-25 gun (SS: the question was actually whether the devs will remove the 122mm gun, move KV-1S to tier 5 and make a new KV-122 at tier 6)
- the Mk.III and Mk.V 6-pounder guns on US, French and British tanks are considered historical
- changes to the 6-pounder guns on Soviet Churchill, UK, US (M7 and T21) and the UE57 TD are not planned (SS: related to the previous question, eg. to make them all fit)
- the option of players researching the same module for various nations (SS: f.x. the same radio for the US and Chinese M5 Stuart) was tested but rejected
- apparently, the devs consider the ingame Matilda Black Prince historical (SS: it's not clear what the question meant as the original question was already deleted, presumably it concerned some armor sleeve around the turret, several Russian players mentioned that before)
- Q: "Sturmpanther planned?" A: "That's not a Sturmpanther. We don't comment on our plans." (SS: this relates to a rumor running around about a vehicle on the basis of Jagdpanther, but with 150mm StuH 43 howitzer)
- Shell air resistance won't be implemented for World of Tanks, because it would be too big a gameplay change (SS: SerB mentions such a thing might be in World of Warships, which will be more complex)
- apparently, the TOG II* name asterisk might mean "an improved version", because there were other examples thereof (a player mentions Medium Mk.II and Medium Mk.II***). According to the player, the original TOG II had a mock turret with a 6pdr gun, the TOG II* had a production turret with a 76mm gun. SerB is however not sure, he accepts it only as a theory
- 25 percent random coefficient won't be changed
- apparently, the "Sturmtiger in 2013" is just a rumor, BUT there was no real denial (SS: the answer was: "Will you ask about all the rumors you hear, or only about a half of them?")
- apparently, the devs are working on the "assault TD" class of vehicles (indirectly hinted at, SerB states their firing trajectory will look like the one of the old KV-2)
- new RU record: 740k online
- the devs try to issue cca 2 premium vehicles per patch, there might be even more occasionally, but the devs want to focus on the regular branches more


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