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do you want homemade sandbag?모바일에서 작성

ddd(112.186) 2013.04.06 00:19:47
조회 60 추천 0 댓글 0

do you want sandbag or somethint to hit?
hitting something hard is good to throuw oot your stress.
i let you know how to preapre the bag

above all sandbag is not correct.
in tradtiinal boxing,
there are some kinds of bags, but heavybag is the most popular bag.

the bag now i suggest to you is not a
heavy bag, but more small bag.

if you are not expert, i recommend you small  and light bag.
because it helps you to develop te footwork ability and the sense of distance and angle.

in boxing distance and angle is very important. in fact they are all of boxing.

so you need 1 basketball and 3-4kg sand and tape.( if you want more heavy bag , you can use more sand)

first, cut the ball with a knife.
and put the sand into the ball.
now you finish the work with  applying the tape to the hole of the ball.
you can use this by holding up on pull up bar or some holder.

sometimes ,this bag is called maize bag .
enjoy yourselves guys.

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