디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Village Of Russian Brides In China.

dd(121.138) 2009.11.10 20:15:38
조회 48 추천 0 댓글 0

Village Of Russian Brides In China.
Guy from the Layan city of Shandong province married Russian bride Natasha. In the wedding 
ceremony they primarily were dressed up in traditional Chinese clothes, and later at the banquet - in 
the Western ones. The solemn wedding, distinguished by combination of Chinese and western 
styles, has attracted a lot of people. 
Near Shulan city of Jilin province (3-hours far from Chang Tung) there is a famous village of Russian 
brides - Syhetsun. The fact is that 90% of rural men took foreign girls for wives, most of them 
Russians. Beautiful and happy marriages between China and Russia have become a local legend. 
Since 1996, the majority of men from the village Syhetsun went to Russia to work. According to the 
Syhetsun village Party Secretary Zhao Tszinseng , the village is now home for 650 families, with 
more than 2000 people. 700 people are engaged in business in Moscow - reported  XinHua Agency.
Russian bride and Chinese bridegroom
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Zhao Tszinseng said that each villager engaged in business in Moscow can earn from 50 thousand 
up to 1 million yuans. In the family of Zhou Ketsing there are four people there. Before going abroad 
the annual income per family member was not reached 1000 yuans. In 1998, Zhou Ketsing\'s family 
moved to Moscow and entered business. Now their annual income reached 400 thousand yuans. 
They bought a house and two cars. Now they are engaged in transport operations. According to 
incomplete statistics, the farmers who work in Moscow, can earn over 40 million yuan a year.
Residents of the Syhetsun village in Moscow are notable with diligence and reputable. Many of 
them have won the love of Russian girls. 
Chinese men are attracted to Russian women as they say because "Russian wife does not have a 
double bottom." If Russian wife smiles, it means "smiles". If she is angry, it means that she is 
actually something unhappy. Chinese wives deeds require of constant exhausting "deciphering" and 
"translating" in language understandable to men. 
Lee Yingchao and Russian girl fell in love with each other four years ago. Now they are - a husband 
and wife.

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