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obsess - 영영 사전 2개

영갤러(175.209) 2024.10.24 13:06:54
조회 33 추천 0 댓글 0


Pronunciation: /əbˈsɛs/


[with object]
1Preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent: he was obsessed with the idea of revengeI became more and more obsessed by him
More example sentences
  • But music continued to obsess him; in many of his stories, he links it with supernatural forces.
  • I have to work toward a depth of physicality to create the consuming jealousy that obsesses her.
  • Just when Friedman's interviews start to get interesting, he brings them back to the question that obsesses him: ‘Yes, but what do you think about America?’
preoccupy, be uppermost in someone's mind, prey on someone's mind, prey on, possess, haunt, consume, plague, torment, hound, bedevil, take control of, take over, become an obsession with, have a hold on, engross, eat up, have a grip on, grip, dominate, rule, control, beset, monopolize
be fixated, be preoccupied, be infatuated, be possessed, be haunted, be consumed, be plagued, be tormented, be bedevilled, be eaten up, be gripped, be in the grip of, be dominated, be beset
informal be hung up about/on, have a thing about, have something/someone on the brain, have a bee in one's bonnet
North American informal be hipped
1.1 [no object] Be constantly talking or worrying about something: her husband, who is obsessing about the wrong she has done him
More example sentences
  • Only then will we be able to stop obsessing about what's wrong and begin to appreciate what's right.
  • If I didn't ‘waste’ emotion obsessing about things, I'd like to think this blog would be much different than it is now.
  • What would I be thinking if I wasn't obsessing about whether I'd been overheard gossiping and, if so, whether it was going to ruin my or someone else's life?


Late Middle English (in the sense 'haunt, possess', referring to an evil spirit): from Latin obsess- 'besieged', from the verb obsidere, from ob- 'opposite' + sedere 'sit'. The current sense dates from the late 19th century.

  • The word obsess had the early sense ‘haunt, possess’, referring to an evil spirit. It comes from Latin obsidere ‘besiege’.

Words that rhyme with obsess

acquiesce, address, assess, Bess, bless, bouillabaisse, caress, cess, chess, coalesce, compress, confess, convalesce, cress, deliquesce, digress, dress, duchesse, duress, effervesce, effloresce, evanesce, excess, express, fess, finesse, fluoresce, guess, Hesse, impress, incandesce, intumesce, jess, largesse, less, manageress, mess, ness, noblesse, oppress, outguess, phosphoresce, politesse, possess, press, priestess, princess, process, profess, progress, prophetess, regress, retrogress, stress, success, suppress, tendresse, top-dress, transgress, tress, tristesse, underdress, vicomtesse, yes

For editors and proofreaders

Line breaks: ob¦sess

I. \əbˈses, äb-\transitive verb
Etymology: Latin obsessus, past participle of obsidēre to sit at, possess, besiege, from ob- toward, against, over + sedēre to sit — more at ob-, sit
1. obsolete : besiege, invest
 a. archaic : haunt, possess, beset
 b. : to occupy an undue or disproportionate place in the mind of : trouble continuously in mind
  < he was obsessed by details >
II. verb
intransitive verb
: to engage in obsessive thinking : become obsessed with an idea
 < they'll spend hours … obsessing about how awful we were — Marie Winn >

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