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types of people you should avoid in life모바일에서 작성

Hellchosen(210.182) 2024.06.11 23:34:23
조회 74 추천 2 댓글 2

Having poor parents and a poor background is something you can't help...

But as an adult, you have the ability to choose around 80% of your relationships.

So, I've decided to list the kinds of people you should avoid in life. This isn't about being poor or uneducated; it's about identifying truly toxic people you need to stay away from.

1. People who never buy a meal
- I understand if someone genuinely can't afford it. However, there are people who always seem to have money for themselves but never spend on others and always try to get free meals.
These people never reach out unless they want something. If you ask them to pay for a meal, they might argue about how much they've eaten or call you petty.

2. People who buy meals but are obsessed with cost-efficiency
- These people are even more frustrating than those in the first category. After a few free meals, they might buy you a meal but take you to a cheap place to balance the score.
Such people only meet others based on cost-efficiency and will avoid you if you're no longer beneficial to them.

3. People who get rowdy when drunk
- Those who get overly excited, break things, start fights, lie down on the street, cry, or insist on continuing to drink. If you notice these behaviors, avoid these people. The idea that alcohol just brings out the real nature in people holds true.

4. People who speak informally right from the first meeting
- People who speak down to you from the first meeting likely lack basic manners and upbringing. They tend to look down on others, and even if they try to justify it as a habit, it's a sign they don't respect you.

5. People who speak rudely
- Some people speak without any filter. Even if your friend's father is a bad person, it's inappropriate to say it directly. People like this will create problems for you and your future relationships.

6. People who don't repay borrowed money
- Many people who borrow money never repay it or make a fuss before doing so. If you lend money, consider it as gone and avoid lending if you expect repayment.

7. People who insist on their seniority
- Especially older people who use their age to assert dominance and always speak informally. Younger people who act like this are just as bad. Avoid those who constantly emphasize their seniority.

8. People who claim to be tough or strong-willed
- People who say they are naturally tough or assertive are often just rude and unpleasant. They pretend to be strong but crumble before stronger people and bully those weaker than them.

9. People deeply engrossed in religion
- While having a religion is fine, people who are overly devoted, pray before meals, and attribute everything to their deity can be exhausting. Avoid those who take their religious fervor to an extreme.

10. People from your hometown or school
- Though connections through regional or school backgrounds are common, avoid getting too close, especially at work. These people might use you and then discard you.

I've listed ten types based on my 32 years of experience. While you can't avoid all types of people, recognizing and avoiding toxic individuals can help ensure a smoother life.

Next time, I plan to write about the kinds of people you can actually trust.

■ Summary ■

1. People who never buy a meal.
2. People who buy meals but are obsessed with cost-efficiency.
3. People who get rowdy when drunk.
4. People who speak informally right from the first meeting.
5. People who speak rudely.
6. People who insist on their seniority.
7. People who claim to be tough or strong-willed.
8. People deeply engrossed in religion.
9. People from your hometown or school.

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